wTVision offers solutions for sports, live productions (Production Control Room), playout automation (Master Control Room), and broadcast design.
    Sports SolutionsWe provides services for more than 40 different sports worldwide.
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    Sports Live ShowsWe provide live shows solutions for sports-driven content.
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    Sports Data DistributionWe provide official data for sports competitions or integrate statistics from external sources.
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    Production Control Room
    PCR | Live ProductionOur intuitive studio solutions boost any TV production workflow.
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    Live Production
    ElectionsWe deliver unique experiences to the audience on elections nights.
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    Live Production
    AR & Virtual SetsWe design 360º virtual sets, mixing them with different virtual graphics and live videos inputs.
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    Playout Automation
    MCR | Playout AutomationOur playout automation solutions are designed to deliver flexibility to any Master Control Room.
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    Playout Automation
    Playout InfrastruturesWe have Playout Centers in Lisbon and Miami ready to accommodate your channel’s broadcasts.
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    Broadcast Design
    Broadcast DesignWe have a solid understanding of broadcast graphics design and brand identity.
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    Virtual Solutions
    Augmented RealityOur team is highly experienced in the development of augmented reality solutions.
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    Virtual Solutions
    Production StudioOur studio and virtual set is integrated in our headquarters in Lisbon and is powered by wTVision’s technology.
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    Broadcast Design
    Post-ProductionWorking side by side with TV channels, brands, companies and partners, we create informative content with a strong entertaining compound.
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