Complete MCR and Post-Production SolutionEleven Sports Portugal chose wTVision’s technological hub in Lisbon as its playout centre, relying on the company to deliver trustworthy services for Playout Automation, specialized operators and Post-Production.
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Innovating LALIGAwTVision has a longstanding relationship with LALIGA, providing many services that enhance the fans' experience while watching their favorite matches from one of the most prestigious football leagues in the world.
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From Data to Graphics and BeyondLiga Portugal and wTVision have a longstanding partnership that has allowed for new ways of broadcasting football matches and their respective data. This partnership has many levels and offers a complete workflow covering all the needs of Liga Portugal.
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PCR solution for eSportsThe successful partnership between wTVision and Riot Games started 6 years ago and the project has since then spread to Brazil, Mexico, Chile, and South Korea, covering a total of 11 Riot Games competitions. A simple graphics and data operation made way to a world of PCR solutions across de globe.
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Real-Time Graphics for Stock CarwTVision is now responsible for the real-time graphics and data of Stock Car, one of the most popular races in Brazil.
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Virtual Fan WallFor Live Football Coverage, wTVision implemented an Augmented Reality solution for Portugal’s main football league, to the the main sponsor, NOS.
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Broadcast Graphics and Official Data for SportsCAN 2019 - Implementation, Operations and Distribution for a continental competition